
Enghouse Workforce Management tool

Contact centres strive to achieve the highest service level possible with the agents they have. To do this they attempt to best match agent schedules to the peaks and valleys of contact volumes throughout the day getting the right agents taking the right calls at the right time. The EICC WFM forecasts the traffic levels for a specific time interval based on historical call traffic.

Workforce Management (WFM) software solutions exist that provide forecasting and schedule adherence.

The agent size to justify the cost of these WFM solutions is typically more than 50 agents. Contact centers without WFM software typically create schedules using Excel spreadsheets. Supervisors will then attempt to match shifts start/end times, breaks and lunches to the peaks and valleys of calls.

I made colour and tonal depth the key to seeing the topography of balance between call volume and the under or over staffing of best suited agents. The interface is click and draggable which provides instant feedback to a proposed agent break for example.

Click on the pic for more explanation of the interface